Hermann Zschiegner’s book contains a collection of fifty shades of gray, each filling an entire page and accompanied by their RGB (red, green, blue) values as hexadecimal string, as used in HTML/CSS code for web design. The color tones lighten up page by page, from a page filled with black ink to a blank white page. This makes the book a visualization of the subtractive CMYK printing process used in print-on-demand. In contrast to the additive RGB color mixing on screens, CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) printing mixes tones based on the density of colored dots. The result is as much a flip book as it is a gray scale test card for digital printing.
By taking the title literally, Zschiegner moreover parodies the erotic bestseller of the same name by E L James, the original blurb of which he also uses for his own book on Blurb.